Wednesday, December 29, 2010

End of the Common Law

The End of the Common Law or should I say, the beginning of the end

We experienced in the Federal Court in Miami Florida perhaps the beginning of what I call the end of the Common Law. According to the records the common law was branched out of the Roman Law still used in many countries.
The common law it is a brilliant and updated system that worked until the case of Urcuyo vs. Citibank N.A.
Read about the case findings of fact and read about the jury's instructions and jury's answer, read about the jury's final decision about the case, read about the final verdict.
A judge, a single person overruled the unanimous decision of a panel in a jury. A judge, a single person came up with the idea that a group of people will lose time from their families, time from their work, and at the end their voices was not heard.
When our voices are no longer heard, and we begin to make excuses for shadowing peoples voices then the fall begins. Is as if Citibank is mirroring the Romans mistake, they got so big that they believe they were invinsible.
Nothing can stop humanity when they follow the right path. It may take a while for people to realize certain things but then when they do, there is no turning back.
Can it be reversed? perhaps but voices must be heard.
Will begin to collect signatures to be heard in Congress about the Urcuyo vs. Citibank case.

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