Saturday, March 21, 2009


Dignity is a term used in moral, ethical, and political discussions to signify that a being has an innate right to respect and ethical treatment. It is an extension of enlightenment-era beliefs that individuals have God-given, inviolable rights, and thus is closely related to concepts like virtue, respect, self-respect, autonomy, human rights, and enlightened reason. Dignity is generally proscriptive and cautionary: in politics it is usually synonymous to 'human dignity', and is used to critique the treatment of oppressed and vulnerable groups and peoples, though in some case has been extended to apply to cultures and sub-cultures, religious beliefs and ideals, animals used for food or research, and even plants. In more colloquial settings it is used to suggest that someone is not receiving a proper degree of respect, or even that they are failing to treat themselves with proper self-respect.

I know that there are worst things happening around the world and missery is touching the lives of many people at the moment.
As we all tighten our belts, many people say "any tighter and we could not breath."
Unfortunately, living during these tough times makes you more aware and concern towards the unfurtunate situations happening to everyone. We tend to focus more on our love ones and at the end of the day. the remains of breath is distributed to the rest of the world but everyting is taken very searious.

You hear alot of about the subprime mortage and the toxic assets whom everbody is trying to get rid of. In fact, Citibank is very clever when hiding their toxic assets and almost instantaneously became from zombie bank to profitable bank.
I call it a clever move, and may we all get out of the slump as quickly as possible. We all know now how quickly our stocks are worth less than a dollar one week and the next week we are woth almost five times more. Good news travel just as well as bad news or bad banking practices.

Bad banking practices is what we have experienced in Nicaragua. Specially my grandparents and their immediate family. By now you are aware of the Urcuyo vs. Citibank case
which is currently taking place in Nicaragua.
The case is looking very shady in to what appears to be bribes on behalf of the Citibank Nicaragua Operations. They have single handedly dedicated themselves to cover up the case against the we have against the bank in a less than professional manner. In fact, they have managed to ridicule the Nicaraguan court system by deniying that the are in fact Citibank from today and not the Citibank they were more than 30 years ago. They said it was another banking. It seems very primary to respond such ridicule answer while longing on the reputation of the name Citibank.
I urge you to contact the person in charge in Nicaragua as we demand our money and it is clear on what position everone must take.
We can and will resolve this in the most flawless manner as we would not like to continue with bad publicity or any. Later comes the propagation of information which has already started.
Now, more than ever it is time to demonstrate that Citibank is once again in Nicaragua and Latin America to help their citizens.
Everone has risk enough and i do not think they would like to fear to experience what we have from your actions from the past.Risking the simplest safekeeping of their money is not an option.
It must be a guarantee for everone.

I would like to share with you that the money than vanished from your bank more than 30 years ago, it belonged to my gradmother as most of the money deposited in the account was money she won in the Nicaraguan national loterry 2 months before the money dispappear from your vault.
Back then $75 K, is today close to half a million dollars or more.
I bet, if I was to ask people around the Nicaragua and Latin America, to whom they would turn to if they lost half a million dollars from their bank account.
Most already have answers since the Maddoff and sup prime chaos it created in wall street and mainstreet. We can make a more desperate scenerio also adding they would be thrown into exile in a whole new different environment and different country with new costumes not accostume to. It would be very meaningful to receive back your money.

At least, give it back after you realize from the overwhelming evidence against the bank.

One would expect a small sign of respect and dignity towards humanity.

You could find a couple of stories ranging from People ripped off from Maddoff, people who lost in the stock, people who have lost in the real state world.

There is nothing more gratifying to everyone than progress and good things to happening to everone around you but Citibank must accept the facts and respond like professionals and well educated people.
We brought overwhelming evidence against the bank and the bank could not present a single shred ofevidence, in fact, it brought in paid consultant from Harvard, may be not in the banks private jets but for sure first class.
Citibank has spent alot of money when they could have simply paid what they owe us a long time ago and we would all have gone on with our lives.

I could also be reached at

Thank You

Luis Urcuyo

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