Wednesday, August 14, 2013


Carta enviada a la Congresista Ileana Ros-Lehtinen
añadiendo a su opinion sobre las agencias desperdiciadas.

Dear Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen

Last time we met was at Mary Brickell Village and we spoke about my grandfather, Francisco Urcuyo Maliano, who was Vice President during the last moments of Somoza.
That day I mentioned briefly about my family and I mentioned to you how grateful we are to you towards everyone including the Nicaraguan people.

I read article in which you mentioned that OEA a similar agency such as Human Rights Organization seem to be wasted organization.

Not only my father and I agree with you regarding these organizations but I also write to you because my father seems to be running out of air with the injustices he has gone through and is currently going through with the justice system in Nicaragua and the CIDH Commission on Human Rights here in Washington D.C.

I have told him in several instances that I gave up on our rights, the human rights.

But I have not given up entirely since that would represent total loss of faith. And faith cannot be lost.

I have approached you in the past about the human rights being violated and you kindly forwarded a request to the office of Chairman Bereuter to help us with the economic crimes being committed in Nicaragua by the Citigroup Organization.

Chairman Bereuter’s office and the Bank’s Public Relations office replied that they were not in any position to talk about the case.
Everyone seemed to be turning their heads away from the truth we have told. Futile seemed to be a common word among everyone we came across and ask for help.

Back then, the word Futile emerged after the effortless decision of a Federal Judge in Miami ruled against a complete panel of jurors who ruled against the bank who stole more that $3 million US dollars at that time including taxes. (Not to mention all the overwhelming evidence we presented against the bank.)

The jury or the people voted in our favor and/or against the bank for clearly stealing our money and the judge simply ignore the truth and ruled in favor of the bank. The judge also ruled against all humanity that day for shadowing the truth.

Back then it seemed clear that a government favor was in place but I guess now it is more clear to everybody after the bank bailout.

I am not here to fight to death with this bank, I am here to bring back the human rights and bring back the dignity of my family who has been a victim of this giant organization who has ruthlessly managed to buy its way across the field of justice.

Now in Nicaragua, the Supreme Court of Nicaragua decided to charge us the same amount of money we are suing the bank for in order to continue with the trial.

That is clearly an ANTI CONSTITUTION ACT aided by this organization that is contributing to the corruption of the nation or nations.

When the Nicaraguan Supreme Court decided to fabricate an ANTI CONSTITUTIONAL ACT against my family, that is when we dediced to ask for help to the CIDH or Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos.
At this point my father and I said that we have reached the top of the courts in the world.
We imagined that this court would be waiting for us to present our case and work on it diligently.
We forward a petition P 615-13 Peticion
Few weeks passed and what a surprise we find that when I called

Please read below is the last communication I had with the Commission of Human Rights.
Please read how she mentions that it takes 7 or 10 years for the cases to be read.
Then, many more years for the case to be taking into consideration and start a legal process.

My father just suffered a serious health issue which left him unable to walk or speak for many weeks.

Thank God, he seems to be doing better but not better to wait more than a decade for the Human Rights Organization to review our case.

I ask for your help, help us, help everyone start believing in justice and start believing in human rights.

Thank you

Luis Urcuyo

María Isabel Rivero
Directora de la Oficina de Prensa y Difusió
Teléfono directo: +1 (202) 370-9001
Teléfono celular: +1 (202) 215-4142
Correo electrónico:
Correo electrónico de la Oficina de Prensa:

Segun nuestra conversacion hoy 4 de junio de 2013.

Estimada Sra Rivero

Yo quede bastante decepcionado de su organizacion CIDH

Segun ud. me explica, las denuncias que una persona envia ante la Comision para ser revisadas tarda entre 6 y 7 años. lo cual ud me dice luego que en un gran avance por que antes tardaba 10 años o mas.

Me dice tambien que tienen 8 mil denuncias y solo tiene a una persona encargada en revisar dichas denuncias.

Muchas de las personas que hacen estas denuncias quiza eso es lo que tienen de vida.

Gracias y buenas tardes


Carta enviada a la Congresista Ileana Ros-Lehtinen
añadiendo a su opinion sobre las agencias desperdiciadas.

Dear Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen

Last time we met was at Mary Brickell Village and we spoke about my grandfather, Francisco Urcuyo Maliano, who was Vice President during the last moments of Somoza.
That day I mentioned briefly about my family and I mentioned to you how grateful we are to you towards everyone including the Nicaraguan people.

I read article in which you mentioned that OEA a similar agency such as Human Rights Organization seem to be wasted organization.

Not only my father and I agree with you regarding these organizations but I also write to you because my father seems to be running out of air with the injustices he has gone through and is currently going through with the justice system in Nicaragua and the CIDH Commission on Human Rights here in Washington D.C.

I have told him in several instances that I gave up on our rights, the human rights.

But I have not given up entirely since that would represent total loss of faith. And faith cannot be lost.

I have approached you in the past about the human rights being violated and you kindly forwarded a request to the office of Chairman Bereuter to help us with the economic crimes being committed in Nicaragua by the Citigroup Organization.

Chairman Bereuter’s office and the Bank’s Public Relations office replied that they were not in any position to talk about the case.
Everyone seemed to be turning their heads away from the truth we have told. Futile seemed to be a common word among everyone we came across and ask for help.

Back then, the word Futile emerged after the effortless decision of a Federal Judge in Miami ruled against a complete panel of jurors who ruled against the bank who stole more that $3 million US dollars at that time including taxes. (Not to mention all the overwhelming evidence we presented against the bank.)

The jury or the people voted in our favor and/or against the bank for clearly stealing our money and the judge simply ignore the truth and ruled in favor of the bank. The judge also ruled against all humanity that day for shadowing the truth.

Back then it seemed clear that a government favor was in place but I guess now it is more clear to everybody after the bank bailout.

I am not here to fight to death with this bank, I am here to bring back the human rights and bring back the dignity of my family who has been a victim of this giant organization who has ruthlessly managed to buy its way across the field of justice.

Now in Nicaragua, the Supreme Court of Nicaragua decided to charge us the same amount of money we are suing the bank for in order to continue with the trial.

That is clearly an ANTI CONSTITUTION ACT aided by this organization that is contributing to the corruption of the nation or nations.

When the Nicaraguan Supreme Court decided to fabricate an ANTI CONSTITUTIONAL ACT against my family, that is when we dediced to ask for help to the CIDH or Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos.
At this point my father and I said that we have reached the top of the courts in the world.
We imagined that this court would be waiting for us to present our case and work on it diligently.
We forward a petition P 615-13 Peticion
Few weeks passed and what a surprise we find that when I called

Please read below is the last communication I had with the Commission of Human Rights.
Please read how she mentions that it takes 7 or 10 years for the cases to be read.
Then, many more years for the case to be taking into consideration and start a legal process.

My father just suffered a serious health issue which left him unable to walk or speak for many weeks.

Thank God, he seems to be doing better but not better to wait more than a decade for the Human Rights Organization to review our case.

I ask for your help, help us, help everyone start believing in justice and start believing in human rights.

Thank you

Luis Urcuyo

María Isabel Rivero
Directora de la Oficina de Prensa y Difusió
Teléfono directo: +1 (202) 370-9001
Teléfono celular: +1 (202) 215-4142
Correo electrónico:
Correo electrónico de la Oficina de Prensa:

Segun nuestra conversacion hoy 4 de junio de 2013.

Estimada Sra Rivero

Yo quede bastante decepcionado de su organizacion CIDH

Segun ud. me explica, las denuncias que una persona envia ante la Comision para ser revisadas tarda entre 6 y 7 años. lo cual ud me dice luego que en un gran avance por que antes tardaba 10 años o mas.

Me dice tambien que tienen 8 mil denuncias y solo tiene a una persona encargada en revisar dichas denuncias.

Muchas de las personas que hacen estas denuncias quiza eso es lo que tienen de vida.

Gracias y buenas tardes

“What’s the story, Morning Glory. Maybe you are going to be the one that saves me.”

Friday, July 5, 2013

Citibank Against Civil Rights

Citibank Against Civil Rights

It is clear and evident to me by now that Civil Rights and Human Rights are becoming part of an extinction.

Human rights

I find myself in the heart of the human rights and civil rights leaders home in Atlanta. Mr. King had a dream about human and civil rights and those rights are being erased.

Similar to before but with more intensity and disregard to the laws.

The common law has made this easier as it enables cases to be more gray than black or white.
(On their favor and not humanity)

Corporations like Citibank, have sabotaged the courts and their laws making it into a point of no return for justice for civil rights for humanity.

Human rights will have less and less value unless we take action.